SINCE 2011
The one day Hands On class is the precursor to the week-long Mission course. We believe that it is important for every doctor to have a basic understanding of what is required to extract teeth. The purpose of this course is to expose doctors to two unique styles to be successful in exodontia. In this economy, it becomes much more critical to have the skill set necessary to offer extractions in your office. The class is broken into Six hours of lecture and two hours of participation. During the lecture Dr. Murph will demonstrate the use of the 301 elevator and the Murph Crane pick. Dr. Fletcher will demonstrate flap design and suture techniques. They will then allow every doctor to experience elevating a flap and suturing on models. These are two of the techniques that many doctors are uncomfortable doing. This course will allow all to gain the basic skills with these procedures and gain confidence that is needed to become an exodontist.
The techniques are performed on models. Previous courses were on Pig jaws but health department rules and regulations are making that very difficult. So now we are using models designed by Dr. Fletcher and approved by Dr. Murph.

One Day Hands On Classes
At Dental Development Seminars it is not just about learning, fellowship and food is always a major part of every course we teach.