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SINCE 2011
The Week Long Hands On Extraction Mission Course is truly the pinnacle of continuing education. No other course in dentistry comes close to providing this unique experience. The mission course starts out in the classroom. During fourteen hours of lecture, you will be exposed to two different approaches to be a successful exodontist. We start with the basics and then "Go Surgical" Dr. Murph will guide you through the use of the 301 elevator and the Murph Crane pick. Dr. Fletcher will demonstrate flap design and suture techniques. The use of both High and Slow speed surgical hand pieces are discussed and utilized in the clinic.
We spend several hours reviewing post-operative sequelea and learn approaches to handle these inevitable problems. If you are going to extract teeth you need to know what to do when things go awry. There is ample time for questions and answers. The small class size gives rise to a friendly exchange of ideas and concepts. The lecture portion of the course by itself would make anyone a better exodontist, but that is just the beginning.
During the Forty hours of Live patient treatment, you will set up a fully functional clinic and be a part of a Dental Mission that will change your life. You will use the information gained during the lecture to provide treatment to hundreds of people that have little or no access to care. Giving back by helping people in need is a reward in itself. The feeling you get when one of these thankful people with tears in their eyes hugs you is something you have to experience yourself.
If you want to challenge yourself, you can take on cases that are more involved than you have ever attempted in your office. You can experience these cases with the understanding that one of the highly trained instructors has your back. This is also the time you may learn "What you don't want to attempt" in your office.
Using state of the art digital x-rays you will be able to properly treament plan any extraction and take that knowledge back home with you. If you can't properly evaluate a case you will always struggle.
Typical Lecture Schedule for the Week Long Class
301 Elevator Technique taught by Dr. Murph
Crane Pick Technique taught by Dr. Murph
Extraction Techniques taught by Dr. Fletcher
Extraction Techniques taught by Dr. Murph
Flap Techniques taught by Dr. Fletcher
Horizontal Wisdom teeth removal techniques taught by Dr. Murph
Sutures taught by Dr. Fletcher
Suturing Hands On Practical during the lecture taught by Dr. Fletcher
Sequela taught by Dr. Murph and Dr. Fletcher to include but not limited to:
Sinus Perforations
Swelling and Incision and Drainage Techniques
Boney Spicules
Dry Sockets
Drugs Patients take and what to look out for and how to treat the patients
Other Topics if Time Permits
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