SINCE 2011
Instructors are all wet fingered general dentists. We remove teeth in our offices, including impacted wisdom teeth, and we can help you learn how to do the same. If you have any questions, please email any of us. We would love to hear from you.

Tommy Murph DMD

Gayle J.
Fletcher DDS, PA
Private practice in Conway, South Carolina since graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina in 1993.
I have removed tens of thousands of teeth and know that I can teach you do to the same. Many consider me an expert with a 301 elevator, I like to think that I know how to use a 301 elevator and I would love to help you learn how to as well. I use a high speed surgical handpiece when needed and can remove upper wisdoms with a crane pick only most of the time in under a minute. With knowledge you can too.
Email: drtommymurph@yahoo.com Phone: 843-488-4357

Bumbac DMD
Private Practice in Saskatchewan, Canada, since graduating from the University of Saskatchewan in 2001. Prior to completing the Hands-on Extraction Class with Drs. Murph and Fletcher I was doing most of my own Erupted Teeth Surgeries in my office, but unfortunately doing them slowly and with little confidence. I now take out the majority of Erupted Teeth that come my way with considerable confidence, and have also found my comfort zone with Wisdom Teeth Surgeries. I previously referred out ALL Wisdom Teeth Surgery prior to this course, but now feel comfortable with soft tissue and partially impacted Wisdom Teeth Surgery. I am careful, gentle and methodical, and since spending considerable time with Drs. Murph and Fletcher, I am now enjoying Surgery rather than dreading it.
Email: jamiebumbac@hotmail.com Phone: 306 260 0178
I graduated from UTHSC San Antonio in 1991 and completed an AEGD residency in 1992. I own a private practice in Conroe Texas.
I was trained by Oral Surgeons to perform extractions and bring that classic style and information to the course. My expertise is in anything surgical. I teach Flap Design and Suture techniques. If you follow my guidance you will never have to fight a flap again. I also provide you the opportunity to use a straight hand piece and work with every Doctor to develop a process they can rely on with every extraction.
Email: gjfletch@suddenlink.net Cell: 936-537-8875

Etchison DDS
I graduated from university of Illinois in 2009. I was taking out a lot of teeth before taking the course, but I wasn't very fast at it and I was getting stuck sometimes. Now, I do full mouth extractions often and find them to be my most enjoyable procedure. I enjoy going to third world countries to help people and since taking that class have become very involved in lots of pro bono work with my church and community. I have a very busy private practice in New Lenox Illinois which I opened in 2012.
Email: pauletchison@att.net Phone: 815-524-6000

Lewis DDS

Kulongowski DDS
I graduated from Temple University in 2002 and did a GPR Residency at St. Joseph Medical Center in Reading, PA in 2003. In private practice in Berks County just outside of Reading, Pennsylvania. I've been deployed to Iraq (2008) with the US Army as part of the PA National Guard. I've attended many continuing education courses and the week long extraction class is by far the best one that will allow you to immediately start using your new knowledge with predictable results and very low overhead, unlike other CE courses which, on top of tuition, require you to purchase thousands of dollars in equipment or supplies.
Email: slewis@wyomissingsmiles.com Phone: 484 955 2970

Crognale DDS
I am from Lancaster Pennsylvania and a 2008 Graduate of Temple University School of Dentistry.
Since graduation from dental school six years ago, I have split my time between private practice and public health. I have held a three year contract with the National Health Service Corps to work for our local Federally Qualified Health Center. I routinely remove 10-15 teeth weekly in public health - - simple, surgical, and 3rd molars. My private practice interests include learning implant placement and studying with the Pennsylvania Academy of General Dentistry PEAK programs.
Email: melissacrognale@gmail.com Phone: 717-371-1938

Johnston RDH
I graduated from the dental hygiene program in Yakima, Washington in 2009. I also have an AA degree, Bachelors Degree in Business Management, and am currently working on my MBA. Anesthesia is my passion and I have delivered many injections on a variety of patients from pedo to geriatric, healthy to severely medically compromised, conscious and sedated. Even with my experiences, my first exposure to this course still taught me some things. It will be the best return on investment for any hygienist that wants to better themselves and build confidence in anesthesia. It is a CE course that directly impacts you as a clinician, beginning with your first patient when you get home. With a chance to deliver hundreds of injections, there is no better opportunity for a hygienist to learn than from this course. Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns via email or text.
Email: Andrewdavison561@yahoo.com Cell: (360) 259-5838

Rohit James BDS, DMD
Since graduating from Boston University in 2012, I have working in a private office in Petawawa, a small town near Ottawa, Canada. I love doing extractions and I have been doing it for a few years now. After taking the Hands On Extraction class I am much quicker and more confident. Using the flap design and elevation techniques I learned in the class, I can extract teeth with minimal trauma and in less time than before the class. I never used to touch wisdom teeth, but now I can handle most of the cases. My referrals to the oral surgeon since the class are down 50 to 60%. I enjoy helping people in need, and the course allowed me the opportunity to help some truly needy people and learn at the same time.
Email: rohitjames20@yahoo.ca
After graduating from the University of Detroit Mercy in 2002 I purchased a private practice in Holly, Michigan. I have always loved oral surgery and taking Tommy and Gayle's class completely reignited that passion for me. I think the key to successful surgery is having a plan going in, and having the confidence and skills to adjust that plan in the moment. Teaching with Drs. Murph and Fletcher has given me a wonderful opportunity to help my colleagues, not to mention the patients in desperate need of the care.
Email: dawngrimes@hotmail.com Phone: 248-634-1976

DePaul DDS
Richard J. DePaul, Jr., DDS has been providing orthodontics to his patients since graduation from CWRU School of Dentistry in 1994. His passion for orthodontics began early in his dental career. While still in school he started studying orthodontics, taking orthodontic continuing education courses and performing orthodontic research. He is the developer of Powerprox Six Month Braces® and has treated thousands of patients with the technique. He is a world know authority and pioneer in the field of cosmetic orthodontics as well as the worlds most experienced educator and treatment provider of these services.
Phone: 440-646-1000

Eriks, DDS
I graduated from Indiana University in 2007. I am in private practice in Frankfort Indiana and in my spare time I enjoy shoving a 301 elevator into the furcation of molars at the county jail in Indianapolis. My practice is in a rural area with no specialists. Prior to taking the class I took out about 150 to 200 teeth a year and referred the rest and all soft tissue third molars. Since the class I take out over 1000 teeth a year including horizontally impacted wisdom teeth. Extractions are now my favorite thing to do because they are so quick and profitable. My staff squeezing them into the schedule between other patients. The overhead is low and ultimately I can treat a patient with confidence.
Email: dougeriks@iclod.com Cell: 317-408-8130

Johnson, DDS
Dr. Travis Johnson graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2013. Prior to taking the Week Long Extraction course he will tell you that it took him way too long with surgical extractions, and he lacked the confidence to handle the more difficult cases. He took the extraction class in 2013 and again in 2014. Now he will say, "My confidence and speed has increased exponentially from this course" and my confidence is so high that I am starting an Oral Surgery residency in June 2015, wish me luck at becoming an Oral Surgeon. He graduated and is an Oral Surgeon in Minnesota today
Email: travisjohnson.dds@gmail.com
Phone: 218-760-0091

Yan, DDS

Chapman, DDS
Dr. Spencer Chapman graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 2009. He worked as an associate for a few years, then in July 2013 opened a family dental office in the small town of Cobourg, Ontario. He performs almost all extractions in his office from pediatric to impacted wisdom teeth and full mouth clearances. In February 2014 he traveled to a very remote region of Honduras to provide dental care. Equipped with just basic forceps and elevators he removed 30-50 teeth per day. The Hands On Extraction Course helped Dr. Spencer develop the techniques and knowledge to plan and successfully approach most extractions, handle complications and give patients the best care that they deserve.
Email: schapma5@gmail.com
Phone: 905-372-5151

Kanaan, DDS
Dr. Lana Kanaan graduated from the University of Detroit Mercy in 2010. She works in private practice in Waterloo, Ontario. After realizing that proficiency in oral surgery is a great practice builder, and really aids in the placement of implants she decided to improve her surgery techniques. Currently she tells others that after taking Dr. Murph and Dr. Fletcher's course "I have the ability and confidence to do more surgical extractions including impacted wisdom teeth. The program has made dentistry much more profitable and fun for me."
Email: lana.kanaan@gmail.com
Phone: 519-746-6447

Kelly, DDS
Dr. Joe Kelly is in private practice in Wilmington, Deleware. He graduated from the Univeristy of Maryland in 1997. Joe is always striving to expand his knowledge and has completed numerous CE courses and multiple residencies. Dr. Kelly is a very fine exodontist and we are glad to have him joining us.
Email: josephkellydds@gmail.com
Phone: 302-475-5555
Dr. Benita Yan is in private practice in Calgary, Alberta. She graduated from the University of British Columbia. Outside of work, one of Dr. Yan’s greatest passions is travel and experiencing world cultures. She has backpacked all over Europe, South America, Central America, Asia and Africa. Her second passion is performing dental extractions- especially challenging impacted third molars. Dr. Yan is a testament to the fact that a skilled oral surgeon is not necessarily a strong one who applies brute force. Although she is quite petite and slight in build, she can remove all sorts of teeth with ease and finesse. After taking the Hands On Extraction Guatemala course, she has honed in on her surgical skills further and can now provide the gentlest extractions. Dr Yan finds that extractions with a soft touch are a huge practice builder!
Email: benyan28@gmail.com
Phone: 403-909-0882

Lamison DDS
Dr. Tessia Lamison graduated from UTHSC San Antonio 2015. She is now in private practice in Lockhart, Texas. Dr. Lamison believes that quick extractions with minimal post-op pain are key to building patient confidence. Taking the Hands On Extraction Course not gave her a new skill set it also gave her new mentors she can consult with anytime. She wants to do the same for other dentists.
Email: lamisondds@gmail.com
Phone: 512-385-4700

Liedl DDS
Dr. Liedl graduated from Marquette University in 1980, without ever doing an extraction. After 30 years of practice in rural Wisconsin , I needed to supplement my supply of fee for service patients. I had referred all extractions up to the time. I went to Guatemala in March of 2013. Dr. Fletcher, Murph and Bumbac guided me with three distinct teaching styles. My skills improved as did my confidence. Most important my bottom line really improved. The ROI is unmatched by any of the many courses I have taken over 30 years. I took the course two more times. I am proud to be an instructor and teach others what I now know about removing teeth.
Email: pustoes@gmail.com
Phone: 715-986-2599

Palm, DDS
Dr. Danny Palm was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, and graduated from Louisiana State University School of Dentistry in 2013. He is now in private practice in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Although Dr. Palm performs a number of procedures, he has a special interest in oral surgery. Dr. Palm takes pride in being as efficient and atraumatic as possible with his extractions. Taking the hands on extraction course has given Dr. Palm the confidence needed to handle almost all extractions cases, as well as the complications that may arise from oral surgery procedures.
Email: dpalm8@gmail.com
Phone: 225.927.8663

Russelo DDS
Dr. Russelo graduated in 2006 from the University of Toronto. He was a cancer radiation therapist before becoming a dentist. He has been in private practice in Toronto since graduation. In 2017 he got tired of referring extractions due to a lack of confidence and he took the course. He repeated the course in 2018 and turned into a very fine Exodontist. He now works without anxiety related to the surgical aspects of dentistry. He strives to help others overcome their fears and gain the confidence and skills to also be a fine Exodontist. He loves to travel and hiking volcanoes in Guatemala.
Email: drkevinrusselo@gmail.com
Phone: 416-356-8276

Lorena Chacon Smith DDS
Dr. Lorena Chacon-Smith is a bilingual dentist dedicated to providing quality care for patients in Freeport, Texas. Dr. Chacon-Smith is a graduate from the University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston. She served our country as a member of both the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force Reserves. Lorena says, "My goal in taking this course was to get more comfortable using the 301 and to make all extractions as atraumatic as posssible for my patients. The course did all that and more."
Email: Lchacon30@gmail.com
Phone: (719) 660-6312

Rollman DDS
Dr. Rollman was an entrepreneur in his earlier career. He owned several construction companies and
invested in real estate. He found this work did not fulfill him, and he wanted to find something more
rewarding. Dr. Rollman attended ASU in Arizona for his undergrad and master’s degree, then attended MWU in Glendale Arizona for his dental degree. Dr. Rollman is passionate about taking CE courses and takes hundreds of hours yearly. Dr. Rollman is an avid supporter of living a healthy life and enjoys weight training, yoga, trail running, golfing, camping and hiking.
Email: dr.rollman@daviscountydental.com
Phone: 480-255-4993

Caddell DDS
Butler DDS

Dr. Caddell graduated from the University of Texas-Dental Branch in Houston in 2006. He has been in private practice for 10 years with the last 4 in Graham, Texas. Travis says "the Extraction course gave me the experience and confidence to stop referring patients out the door and to take out teeth quickly and atraumatically. Practicing in a rural area where the nearest Oral Surgeon is 1.5 hours away the only referrals that I make now are for cases that want to be put to sleep or are medically compromised. My patients are being treated better and my bottom line has improved as well."
Email: trav1273@yahoo.com
Phone: 940-549-6092
Dr. Butler graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in 2012. He owns a private practice North Battleford, Saskatchewan and is currently the president of the local dental society. Dr. Butler, along with his beautiful wife, have five lively children who keep him on his toes. He loves biking, swimming, camping, fishing and playing sports with his kids.
Email: dr.russell.butler@gmail.com
Phone: 306-445-8833