SINCE 2011
Dr. Tommy Murph Dr. Gayle Fletcher
Tel: 843-488-4357 Tel: 936-537-8875
drtommymurph@yahoo.com GJFletch@Suddenlink.net
Dental Development Seminars Dental Development Seminars
1515 Main Street 1336 League Line Rd #400
Conway, South Carolina 29526 Conroe, Texas 77304
1. Contact Dr. Murph (843-488-4357) or Dr. Fletcher (936-537-8875)
and verify that space is available in the class. You will receive more instructions then on Hotels and flights.
2. Email color photograph (Jpeg format) of your passport from any country.
3. Email photograph(Jpeg Format) of current dental license from any country.
4. Pay Tuition either by check or credit card $7000
5. Supply Academy of General Dentistry number if you have one
6. Supply the name as you want it to appear on your diploma
1. Contact Dr. Murph or Dr. Fletcher and verify that space is available in the class.
2. Email color photograph(Jpeg format) of passport from any country
3. Email photograph (Jpeg format)of current dental license from any country.
4. Pay Tuition either by check or credit card $1500
5. Supply the name as you want it to appear on your diploma
Cancellation/Refund Policy:
Refund Policy 50% >90 days prior, 25% 89-60 days prior to class start. No refunds under 60 days. If cancellation occurs within 5 business days of sign up there is a $100 processing fee. All cancellation requests will be processed within 30 days after course completion. $50.00 fee for returned checks.